Thursday, January 22, 2015

My Poor Family and Cameras Everywhere in the House

My poor family... Any time, anywhere, if I think a moment is interesting, or BETTER YET, an imminent moment will SURELY be INTERESTING, then, snap snap snap away... I have a camera everywhere in my home. I am ALWAYS ready. I am always thinking about the cameras and what settings they are on, so that I can spring into action, at a moment's notice.

My poor family. They accomodate my silliness. Sometimes they yell at me to shoo me away. Sometimes they yell at me, to get me to capture a moment. Mostly, I am Mr Normal and Crazy Photographer, and they never know when the Crazy Photographer* will pop up.
And just to spice it up. I have my cameras on manual focus mode. Because, well, that legitimizes my self-label of an enthusiast. No self-respecting camera-junkie shoots in (intelligent) auto mode. No no no, it has to be creatively manual.

I love the Fuji X100 so much that I sold it and then bought it again. I hated it so much that I sold the first one. But I missed it so much, its body so beautiful, so clearly a CAMERA, that I bought the Fuji X100s... twice. And then, I had a one-night stand with the Fuji X100t... A ridiculous way to tell you that I am completely irrational when I see a beautiful camera. I have reunited with the X100, my second X100. And I love to stare at it.. and the cute red button I added, to add a touch of color.

Because I have owned so many cameras, and now still have so many, I found a sneaky way to own more: I buy prior-generation-but-still-awesome cameras at ridiculously low prices, and give them to my friends... I tell you this because, after I got my (second-chance) Fuji X100, I saw another one that had an insignificant flaw, for a good price, and I almost bought it, until I REALLY looked at the body, and I smacked myself. The Fuji X100 does not have an obvious "auto mode." Once, a friend, on seeing a precious moment, grabbed it, to capture the moment, and then realized that she had no idea how to use it. Oh... I have come a very very long way, from not understanding anything about cameras and what they do...

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