Sunday, February 8, 2015


Two days later, the First Saturday Milonga at Eastern Market. Unhappiness from my first outing with my Leica M9, into the dark dance environment, I resolved to find the proper spirit.
Caught by Melody
I set my camera to ISO 800, super slow shutter speed. and f2.

I found the settings in LR5 that I liked, given the environment at Eastern Market, and I created a custom filter in Silver Efex to post-process. And you know what??? OK the images are crappy but they HAVE WHAT I LIKE in them! And anyway I am known for "my kind of crappy." That is to say, it's pretty easy to spot my photos because... well, they are not in focus, they are messy, and, yeah... did I mention messy?

Three hours sleep. After the morning market at Dupont Circle, with too-much-light, but hey I am not complaining. (note: tangueros and tangueras are crazy people who lose the ability to sleep.)
I love the M9. It keeps me honest. And let me tell you, it kind of hurts.

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